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"Replicants are like any other machine.
They are either a benefit or a hazard.
If they are a benefit, it's not my problem."

Harrison Ford in Blade Runner

Mario Gleirscher
Postdoc (currently unaffiliated) ▪ enthusiastic teacher ▪ passionate universalist (CS & mech. eng.) ▪ team player

Research Vision
Bring CS & AI foundations to bear in the correct control of intelligent cyber-physical systems (CPSs)

Research Interests

  • Modelling (stochastic & hybrid systems)
  • Verification (algebraic reasoning, explainability)
  • Synthesis (low-level & supervisory control)
  • Applied to neuro-symbolic & sustainable CPSs

Research Outcomes

See for my further publications.

Research Tools



  • Holistic view on research, teaching, and technology transfer through international mobility experience
  • Studied practical challenges by working several years full-time in aeronautics and software industry
  • My research is shaped by my passion for logic, algebra, and philosophy
  • Developed entrepreneurial and management skills as a freelancing consultant and event organiser
  • Fan of outdoor sports (e.g. windsurfing), travelling, and healthy cooking
  • Enjoy glitch/minimal, downtempo, modern jazz, progressive rock, and (not too) modern art
  • Formerly skiing instructor, MTB and table tennis amateur
  • Wouldn't say no to a ride in a Pinzgauer or Tatra 813


Previous Experience, Achievements, & Education
I am a part-time lecturer at the University of Bremen. ▪ Lately, I participated in the Dagstuhl seminar on the Resilience and Antifragility of Autonomous Systems (RAAS) and was invited as a speaker at the Lorentz workshop on the Engineering of Reliable Autonomous Systems (ERAS). ▪ Previously, I worked at the University of Bremen in the real-time and distributed systems lab led by Jan Peleska. ▪ I am the developer of YAP, a risk-informed controller synthesis technique. ▪ I gave a talk in the journal-first track of FM'23 about our work on controller synthesis. ▪ I was granted an AAIP Fellowship ('21-'23) supporting my collaboration with the University of York (UoY). ▪ At UoY, I worked with Radu Calinescu on verified controller synthesis for collaborative robots, supported by the Lloyd's Register Foundation and the Assuring Autonomy International Programme. ▪ For my research on risk handling in autonomous machines, advised by Jim Woodcock and Ana Cavalcanti, I was awarded a DFG Research Fellowship at the University of York ('17-'19). ▪ I started my research on this topic at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), advised by Manfred Broy ('15-'17). ▪ I received my PhD and MSc degrees from TUM. ▪ Our study of static analysis tools in practice, published during my PhD, got a best paper award at the 4th Software Quality Days 2012 in Vienna.

Teaching & Mentoring

Lecturing & Module Delivery:

  • Winter'24: Systems of High Integrity and Quality (GC)
  • Winter'24: Hybrid Systems: Verification & Synthesis (introductory session)
  • Summer'24: Assurance of Intelligent Cyber-physical Systems (GS)
  • Winter'23: Sustainable Development (GC, part of a lecture series)
  • Winter'23: Hybrid Systems: Verification & Synthesis (GC)
  • Summer'23: Assurance of Intelligent Cyber-physical Systems (GS)
  • Winter'22: Verification of Hybrid Systems (GC)
  • Summer'22: Verification of Hybrid Systems (GC)
  • Winter'17: Safety Assurance of Control Systems (GS), in English
  • Summer'16: Safety Analysis Techniques (GP), in English
  • Summer'23: Introduction to Mathematics 2 (UC)
  • Winter'22: Systems of High Integrity and Quality (GC)
  • Summer'22: Introduction to Mathematics 2 (UC)
  • Winter'21: Introduction to Mathematics 1 (UC)
  • Winter'21: Systems of High Integrity and Quality (GC)
  • Summer'17: Software Quality (GS, focus on formal methods)
  • Summer'13 & '14: Modelling Concurrent Systems (GC)
  • Winter'12: Safety-critical Software Development (GS)
  • Winter'12: Foundations of Program and System Development (GC)
  • Summer'09--'12: Requirements Engineering (GC)
You can find more details about my courses and tutorials on StudIP.
(U = undergraduate, G = graduate, C = course, S = seminar, P = practical)

Advising & Mentoring:

Open projects: Drop me an email!

Current projects:

  • None at the moment.

Past projects:

  • MSc: Verified Hybrid Control of Transport Multi-Systems, P. Hönnecke
  • PhD: Shared Control in Autonomous Driving, cand.: A. McDonagh, co-supervised with R. Calinescu, UoY
  • Co-advised 17 M.Sc., B.Sc., diploma theses, term papers, and internships in the safety-critical systems area and 5 diploma theses in the general software engineering area.

Academic Leadership & Citizenship

Activities and upcoming events I'm involved:

Past events I helped to organise:

Past PC involvement: FMAS'24, FACS'24, SEFM'24, FM'24 Industry Day Track, SEFM'23, FMAS@iFM'23, AISafety@ICJAI'23, SafeAI@AAAI'23, RSSRail'23, FMAS'22, SEFM'22, SafeAI@AAAI'22, RSSRail'22, SEFM'21, FMAS'21, SNR@QONFEST'21, WAISE@SAFECOMP'21, SafeAI@AAAI'21, WAISE@SAFECOMP'20, SafeAI@AAAI'20, WAISE@SAFECOMP'19, SafeAI@AAAI'19, WAISE@SAFECOMP'18, SoftIoT@ECSA'17 (merged with CASA'17)

Reviewed for journals (COMPAG, CompJ, Computing, CSUR, FAoC, IST, JSS, PDISAS, ROBOTS, SoCP, SoSyM, STTT, STVR, TMECH) and conferences (FM, HSCC, ICECCS, MODELS, SAC, SAFECOMP, SEFM, SPLC); see ('peer review' section) or .

Further community services: Supporting the improvement of career perspectives and working conditions for early-career researchers (ECRs) by running a survey of ECRs and co-chairing the workshop series Kar4WiN at INFORMATIK'22, INFORMATIK'21, and INFORMATIK'20. Occasionally active on by StackExchange, under CC 3.0 BY and by GitHub, under SIL OLF and, formerly, in , , DHV, and .


last change: May 2021 -